
The heart of the measurement system is the software, which is responsible for managing your probands, running tests and browsing the results. It is an Eclipse RCP application. It uses the eclipse e3 API. Latest API docs are available at Eclipse Help.


Database development is realized via sormula ORM. The models are placed in the package. The respective ERM is available as appendix. It is a SQLite database which is realized with SQLJet and connected with SQLite JDBC.


Further version might require a migration of the underlying database. The mechanics for this are already implemented and ready to use. SQLJet allows to stores a user version number along with the database file. The purpose is to read this number at start and run a migration if necessary. The class handles this logic. The required code to read the version number is already available in the initialize() method, yet commented out but provides good start.


Icons are Silk by famfamfam and Fugue by Yusuke Kamiyamane.